
Leva Finanziaria (Leverage)

Leva Finanziaria

    La leva finanziaria o leverage, è uno strumento che permette di acquistare o vendere attività finanziarie per un ammontare superiore al capitale effettivamente posseduto. Investire con leva è una tecnica di trading che permette di… Leggi tutto »Leva Finanziaria



      Bitcoin è una valuta digitale che esiste interamente online. Funziona su una tecnologia chiamata blockchain. Questo registro decentralizzato registra tutte le transazioni su una rete di computer, garantendo trasparenza, sicurezza e resistenza alle frodi. Creato… Leggi tutto »Bitcoin

      Catastrophe Bonds - Cat Bonds

      Catastrophe Bonds

        Catastrophe bonds, also known as “cat bonds” or simply “CAT” (da catastrophe bond), are financial instruments that represent an innovative way for insurance and reinsurance companies to manage the risk associated with… Leggi tutto »Catastrophe Bonds

        Spread - what it is and how it works


          The spread is an economic term that indicates the difference in yield between two different government bonds. In the most common sense, this is the yield spread between multi-year Treasury bonds (BTP) a… Leggi tutto »Spread



            FAANG is an acronym that stands for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix e Google. These five tech giants have dominated the stock market in recent years, recording extraordinary growth in their profits and their… Leggi tutto »CATCH

            APR & APY

            APR & APY

              THE PR (Annual Percentage Rate) e l’APY (Annualized Percentage Yield) are two common terms in the financial sector that indicate the annual interest rate. Although they are similar, they have slightly different meanings and applications. In Italy, they often come… Leggi tutto »APR & APY

              Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending

              Peer-to-Peer Lending

                Il Peer-to-Peer (o “P2P”) Lending has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to simplify the lending process and offer attractive investment opportunities for those seeking higher returns than… Leggi tutto »Peer-to-Peer Lending