Financial Independence, Retire Early

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation

    L’Asset Allocation, or allocation of financial securities (asset), it is a fundamental process in the field of investments, which consists of dividing your investments between different asset classes, as actions, bonds and liquidity. This process takes on… Leggi tutto »Asset Allocation

    F*ck You Money

    F*ck You Money

      “FU Money”, acronym for “F*ck You Money“, is a slang term used for an amount of money that gives you the freedom to walk away from a job or situation that doesn't suit you.… Leggi tutto »F*ck You Money

      Early Retirement

      Early Retirement

        Early retirement, also known as Early Retirement or RE (from “Retire Early”), it is a central concept in the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Early retirement indicates the possibility of leaving traditional work and… Leggi tutto »Early Retirement



          Geoarbitrage, also known as geographic arbitrage, is a concept that refers to the practice of moving to a different geographic location in order to take advantage of a lower cost of living, maintaining at the same time… Leggi tutto »Geoarbitrage

          Coast FIRE

          Coast FIRE

            Coast FIRE is a variation of the traditional FIRE movement that focuses on accumulating initial savings and investments in order to achieve financial independence and the ability to retire early. Nel Coast… Leggi tutto »Coast FIRE

            Fat FIRE

            Fat FIRE

              Fat FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) it is an approach to early retirement and financial independence that differs from the traditional FIRE for the objective of reaching a higher level of wealth that allows you to live a lifestyle… Leggi tutto »Fat FIRE

              FI Target

              FI Target

                Financial Independence (it might be, per Financial Independence) it is the state of having enough wealth and passive income to cover living expenses without having to depend on traditional employment. It's about the freedom to make choices… Leggi tutto »FI Target

                Lean FIRE

                Lean FIRE

                  Lean FIRE (Light FIRE) is an early retirement strategy that aims to achieve financial independence with a relatively lower amount of savings than the traditional FIRE approach (Financial Independence, Retire Early). While both approaches… Leggi tutto »Lean FIRE

                  Lifestyle Creep

                  Lifestyle Creep

                    Il“Lifestyle creep”, also known as lifestyle inflation, it is a phenomenon that occurs when an increase in one's standard of living leads to perceiving things that were previously luxuries as necessities. Is considered… Leggi tutto »Lifestyle Creep