Financial Education



    Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs when there is a prolonged increase over time in the general price level of goods and services in a particular country or region. Such a price increase… Leggi tutto »Inflation

    Financial minimalism

    Financial minimalism

      Financial minimalism is an approach that combines the principles of minimalism with the management of personal finances in order to achieve greater financial freedom and a better quality of life. This philosophy promotes… Leggi tutto »Financial minimalism

      Compound interest

      Compound interest

        Si parla di interesse composto quando si riceve un tasso di interesse che viene calcolato sulla base di un deposito iniziale più gli interessi parziali maturati in un determinato periodo di tempo. A differenza dell’interesse… Leggi tutto »Compound interest

        Safe Withdrawal Rate

        Safe Withdrawal Rate

          The“Safe Withdrawal Rate” (SWR) or safe withdrawal rate is a way for FIRE retirees to determine how much money they can withdraw from their accounts each year without running out of money before they reach the end of their… Leggi tutto »Safe Withdrawal Rate

          Passive Income

          Passive Income

            Passive income is income that requires minimal work to earn and maintain. Examples of passive income include rental income, royalties from intellectual property and any commercial activity in which the recipient… Leggi tutto »Passive Income