Wiki Pages

Types of FIRE

Types of FIRE

    Traditional FIRE strategies aim to apply the rule of 4% and therefore set the goal of having a net worth 25-30 times higher than expected living expenses once retired. However, there are several… Leggi tutto »Types of FIRE

    Safe Withdrawal Rate

    Safe Withdrawal Rate

      The“Safe Withdrawal Rate” (SWR) or safe withdrawal rate is a way for FIRE retirees to determine how much money they can withdraw from their accounts each year without running out of money before they reach the end of their… Leggi tutto »Safe Withdrawal Rate

      Trinity Study

      Trinity Study

        A research study of the is informally called the Trinity Study 1998 by three finance professors from Trinity University. It is part of a category of studies that attempt to determine “safe withdrawal rates” (Safe Withdrawal Rate)… Leggi tutto »Trinity Study

        Rule of 4%

        Rule of 4%

          The 4% rule is a general rule that can be used by FIRE retirees to decide how much they should withdraw from their retirement funds each year to live off their investments. The “rule” it's actually a line… Leggi tutto »Rule of 4%

          Passive Income

          Passive Income

            Passive income is income that requires minimal work to earn and maintain. Examples of passive income include rental income, royalties from intellectual property and any commercial activity in which the recipient… Leggi tutto »Passive Income

            FIRE Movement

              Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a cultural movement of individuals who follow a lifestyle characterized by extreme savings and financial investments that aim to allow them to retire much earlier than would allow… Leggi tutto »FIRE Movement

              FIRE Movement Italy Wiki

              Index Wiki

                Welcome to the MovimentoFIRE wiki! On this wiki you can find information and advice from the Italian FIRE community. The wiki is under construction and anyone is free to contribute to it. Introduction FIRE… Leggi tutto »Index Wiki