Recommended Readings for FIRE

Lista di letture consigliate per il FIRE – i migliori libri su temi di financial freedom, personal finance, sviluppo personale, investments, early retirement e argomenti correlati.

Either the stock market or life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Either the stock market or life: 9 steps to transform your relationship with money and achieve financial independence it is a real "step by step" guide on managing your finances and investments.

[Originale in inglese: Your Money or Your Life]

O la borsa o la vita - Your Money or Your Life

Rich father, poor father di Robert T. Kyosaki

Rich father, poor father è uno dei libri di personal finance più popolari al mondo, descrive il divario tra “poveri” che investono il proprio tempo per guadagnare soldi, e “ricchi” che utilizzano i propri soldi per investire in attività che generano ulteriori ricchezze.

[Originale in inglese: Rich Dad, Poor Dad]

Rich father, padre povero di Robert T. Kyosaki

L’uomo più ricco di Babilonia di George S. Classon

L’uomo più ricco di Babilonia è considerato la Bibbia del mondo finanziario. Written in parable form, tells of Arkad's journey from a poor scribe to the richest man in Babylon, through a series of principles such as living below one's means, risparmiare e investire per il futuro… suona familiare?

[Originale in inglese: The Richest Man in Babylon]

L’uomo più ricco di Babilonia di George S. Classon

L’investitore intelligente di Benjamin Graham

L’investitore intelligente è un must read per chi vuole imparare a investire in borsa. Questo libro è stato scritto da uno dei più grandi investitori del 900 and mentor to Warren Buffett.

Although the book was released in 1973, l’edizione italiana è arricchita da note e commenti aggiornati al 2003 This is part of Jason Zweig.

[Originale in inglese: The Intelligent Investor]

L’investitore intelligente di Benjamin Graham

Think and Enrich Yourself di Napoleon Hill

Think and Enrich Yourself è uno dei libri migliori sul Pensiero Positivo e la crescita personale per chi ha bisogno di una spinta motivazionale. It was written during the Great Depression years 30, but it continues to be a source of inspiration for many and its concepts go very well with the FIRE philosophy. Also available in audiobook version.

[Originale in inglese: Think and Grow Rich]

Think and Enrich Yourself - Think and Grow Rich di Napoleon Hill

The magic of thinking about success di David J. Schwartz

The magic of thinking about success è particolarmente suggerito alla comunità FIRE: in fact, the "guru" Mr. recommends it. Money Mustache, che lo descrive come “un piccolo e semplice, charmingly old book from the years 50 che mi ha completamente cambiato la vita.” Serve aggiungere altro?

[Originale in inglese: The Magic of Thinking Big]

The magic of thinking about success - The Magic of Thinking Big di David J. Schwartz

The Millionaire Next Door di Thomas J. Stanley e William D. Danko

The Millionaire Next Door – The Surprising Secrets of Wealth answers a simple question: who is the millionaire next door, what doesn't catch the eye?

Explains, through interviews with American millionaires, how to get rich you don't need to be successful, showing off luxury cars and clothes – on the contrary, talk about frugality, budgeting and optimization of your resources. Also available in audiobook version.

[Originale in inglese: The Millionaire Next Door]

The Millionaire Next Door - The Millionaire Next Door di Thomas J. Stanley e William D. Danko

4 Hours per week di Timothy Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is one of the most popular successful entrepreneurs, in particular thanks to this book which has inspired many to reimagine the concept of work and how working "smart" can lead to better results without necessarily having to work harder, and how you can live carefree and earn well even without being slaves to the work routine.

4 Hours per week – Rich and happy working 10 times less it is especially recommended for those with an entrepreneurial spirit or for those who work too much.

[Originale in inglese: The 4 Hour Work Week]

4 ore alla settimana - The 4 hour work week di Timothy Ferriss

Playing with FIRE di Scott Rieckens

Written by Scott Rieckens with a foreword by Mr. Money Mustache, l’ingegnere informatico che ha reso popolare il FIRE in America grazie al suo blog dopo essere andato in pensione a 30 years.

As in the documentary of the same name, questo libro offre riflessioni personali sulla vita di esponenti e promotori del movimento FIRE quali l’autore e lo stesso Mr Money Mustache.

Playing with FIRE di Scott Rieckens

The Automatic Millionaire di David Bach

As the title suggests, This book focuses on how to put your finances on autopilot to accumulate wealth without overthinking.

It is written for a predominantly American audience, but many of the basic concepts can also be applied in Italy.

The Automatic Millionaire di David Bach

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