FIRE calculator – How much do you need to live off your income?

MovimentoFIRE FIRE calculator


Financial Independence, Retire Early

Objectives for FIRE

Including shares, bonds, savings accounts, ecc.
Annual return percentage (ROI) on the invested capital.
How much do you earn on average per month (net salary + other sources of income excluding capital gains)
How much do you spend on average in a month (food, rent, bills, ecc.)
In Italy the rate on capital gains is 26%.
How much do you plan to spend per month once you retire.
Average annual inflation rate. See also historical average annual inflation in Italy.
Annual withdrawal rate from invested capital once you retire (SWR).
Estimated annual expenses:
including taxes and inflation

Your target should be at least 25 times your expected annual expenses, to be able to apply the rule of 4%.

You will reach FIRE in approximately years, at the age of years, with a net worth of ~

By taking the you could generate an initial passive income of .
After 10 years: (net worth: )
After 20 years: (net worth: )
After 30 years: (net worth: )
After 50 years: (net worth: )

FIRE Movement Calculation

Calculating your FIRE goals is simple: Estimate how much you will need to live on in a year once you retire and multiply it by twenty-five.

For example:

  • to retire with €30,000 a year you need €750,000 of capital
  • to retire with €40,000 a year you need €1,000,000 of capital
  • to retire with €50,000 a year you need €1,250,000 of capital

Obviously this is a simplified calculation that does not take into account various factors and implies that you apply an annual withdrawal rate of 4% adjusted for inflation (based on rule of 4%).

Based on your personal situation, age, risk tolerance and life expectancy, you may need to adopt a lower or higher withdrawal rate, and therefore you will need more or less capital.

FIRE Movement Calculator

Read also: How much is needed to live on an income?

FIRE Retirement Calculator

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