The FIRE Movement

The acronym FIRE comes from English Financial Independence, Rstretch Early (“Financial Independence, Early Retirement").

Those who follow the FIRE movement have as their personal goal the achievement offinancial independence, that is, no longer having to work to live. Find out more.

join us

Become part of the Italian FIRE community.

Find us on reddit r/FireIT and in groups Financial Independence Italia are Telegram e Facebook.

Also follow the official FIRE Movement page on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our feed at Google News to always receive the latest news.




This site is for strictly informational purposes and does NOT offer financial advice of any kind. The articles discussed here are the personal opinions of the author and other contributors, They are not therefore intended as a guide to your personal finances. There is no single strategy that can be followed to achieve financial independence and early retirement, but only guidelines based on other people's experiences. Everyone's personal situation changes depending on the circumstances. If you need help managing your personal finances, contact a financial advisor who can offer you specialized advice. The website contains some promotional links for which it is possible that you receive a commission following the purchase of certain products, services and offers, this does not involve any additional cost.

FIRE movement

who we are

The Italian FIRE community has the common goal of becoming financially independent.

FIRE Movement collects ideas, experiences and suggestions to give us mutual support.

FIRE movementnon it is an association or club, and the cultural movement has no founder, This is not the official FIRE website or group as it is a cultural movement without formal membership.

We do not provide financial advice or economic advice.

None of the information contained on any post, item, forum, or chat linked to Movimento FIRE is to be considered a newspaper, financial advice, or investment proposal.

write me

or write to us at [email protected]